We are truly grateful for your unwavering support and generosity, which enriches the vibrant community spirit that defines All Saints’. As we enter this bustling holiday season, we recognize how hectic life can get for everyone, and yet, this is precisely the time when our church community shines brightest. Our calendar is filled with exciting events, and we invite you to consider lending a helping hand—especially if you have not participated in the past. This is the season of giving, and your involvement not only enhances our celebrations but also strengthens the bonds within our congregation. Together, let us embody the spirit of generosity and make this holiday season a memorable one for all!

  • Christmas Caroling – Friday, 12/20 @ 6pm   Adult and youth carol singers are needed!
  • Greening of the Church – Sunday, 12/22 @ 12pm   Men & women decorate the church with wreaths, garland, and poinsettias.
  • Christmas Eve – Choral Evensong and Pageant Tuesday, 12/24 @ 5pm     Children are needed to sing carols and dress in costume for the telling of the Nativity story. Additionally, two adults are needed to help usher children.
  • Christ Day Meal Giving Event Tuesday, 12/24 @ 10:30am & Wednesday, 12/25 @ 10:30am   Preparation of the meal is done on the eve of Christmas including carving turkeys. On Christmas day, a large group will come together to box up dinners and deliver them to drop off points around town. Over 200 meals are provided on this day.

Email [email protected] to sign up!


Friday, December 20th
– 6:00pm – Caroling

Sunday, December 22nd

  • 8:45am – Nursery Open, Youth & Adult Scripture Study
  • 9am – Adult Choir Practice
  • 10:30am – Holy Communion
  • 12:00pm – Greening of the Church w/ lunch

Tuesday, December 24th

  • 9:30am – Christmas Meal Prep
  • 5:30pm – Christmas Eve Evensong & Pageant
  • 11:00pm – Midnight Mass

Wednesday, December 25th

  • 10:00am – Eddie Davis Memorial Christmas Day Meals – Assembly & Packaging
  • 10:30am – Christmas Day Service
  • No Body & Soul (until 1/8/25)


Every Wednesday
Knitters Guild @ 4:00pm in the Library
St. David’s Children’s Choir Practice @ 5:20pm
Body & Soul @ 5:30pm in the Parish Hall

Every Sunday
Youth & Adult Scripture Study @ 8:45am in the Parish Hall

1st Sunday of Each Month
Children’s Sensory Sunday @ 10am in the Nursery & Parish Hall
Covered Dish Luncheon @ 12pm in the Parish Hall

December 2024

January 2025


What is “Sensory Sunday?”
On the first Sunday of each month, our Children & Youth Ministry invites kids of all ages to participate in engaging activities designed to stimulate their minds and enhance their senses. At All Saints’ Church, we aim to enrich children’s lives and provide a creative outlet for exploration and expression. Join us for a fun-filled experience that inspires creativity and curiosity!

Childcare is provided during Sensory Sunday.

Please arrive at 10:00am
Kids will participate in hands on activities, play time, and lunch.
Pick up is at 1:00pm.

Parents, you are also invited to stay and attend the 10:30am church service and covered dish luncheon that follows.



Our congregation looks forward to a number of yearly events that complement our worship and help us to celebrate with our church family. A Low Country Boil is held at the end of each summer, where we enjoy food together in a relaxed atmosphere. At that time, we recruit for and share information about all of the various church ministries, and members have the opportunity to make a decision as to how they’d like to serve.

Soon thereafter, we celebrate the Eucharist outdoors at an annual parish picnic in beautiful Thomasville. In December, we all congregate for a series of Advent activities such as the greening of the church, caroling, and gift wrapping for community outreach. All generations join to place poinsettias around our altar, candles in all the windows, and wreaths around the sanctuary — a sight to behold.

Mardi Gras Dinner and Auction is a signature event for All Saints’, raising close to $60,000 each year in support of Thomasville agencies that work with families and children.

At Easter time, parents and their children look forward to an Easter egg hunt, a longtime tradition of the church. On the day of our Mother’s Day service, we honor our mothers with gifts of flowers and follow the service with a champagne reception.